Our family physicians are located all over the United States. For safety reasons, many choose not to disclose personal details.
Collective Energy for Nurturing Training in Reproductive and Sexual Health (CENTRS Health)'s mission is to liberate abortion training and care from the machinations of white supremacy. We are creating a space that centers the love, healing, mentorship and sponsorship of new Black and Brown family physicians that provide abortion care.
We document and share the experiences of family physicians of color and their vision for racially just training and care.
We develop and implement a supervision and mentorship model for family medicine fellows of color grounded in racial justice.
We build and maintain a safe space for family physicians of color to learn and work together.
existing paradigms regarding abortion care and reproductive health by addressing structural barriers for physicians and patients of color.
centuries of structural inequity and create a new model of just and equitable care within sexual and reproductive health care.
access to abortion by diversifying the abortion physician workforce.
for patients is provided by reproductive health physicians from their own communities and to always be received with dignity and respect.
Our family physicians are located all over the United States. For safety reasons, many choose not to disclose personal details.